

It has been observed that people are feeding feral cats and other wildlife in our community. While we cannot prevent native wildlife from entering our community, we all must do our part in curbing behavior that will attract wildlife into our neighborhoods and backyards and make them a nuisance. One important task to prevent animals from encroaching is to remove their food source. Below are some important reminders:
  • DO NOT FEED WILDLIFE – Even ducks. This removes their healthy fear of people, causing them to become bolder, and is a death sentence for the animal itself.
  • Trash must be in closed plastic bags, and the trash cans must have a sealed lid when you place it outdoors for collection.
  • Do not leave pet food out at night.
  • Clean your grills and remove any food scraps.
  • Install baffles on bird feeders.
  • Fruit trees attract many animals, ensuring the fruit is collected and not left to fall to the floor. Please be aware that fruit trees are not allowed to be planted in Valencia Pointe. Previously approved fruit trees are allowed to remain to understand that debris, including fallen fruit, shall be removed within twenty-four (24) hours. No new fruit trees will be permitted.  
  • Seal all routes of animal entry. Screen open windows and other openings where smaller animals can get through with mesh or screening. Repair holes in screens.
Alligator Sightings - Concerned about an alligator?
Call our toll-free Nuisance Alligator Hotline at 866-FWC-GATOR (866-392-4286) 
**Raccoons have also changed their habits and are being more active during the day due to food availability and to protect their babies from night predators.
Per Valencia Pointe Rules and Regulations, rule #39 states that the homeowner is responsible for contacting the appropriate County service to remove dead or alive wildlife on their property. (i.e., Foxes, alligators, snakes, etc.)
We recommend that all residents with wildlife concerns contact Palm Beach County Wildlife Removal via email at info@palmbeachwildlife.com or by phone at 561-899-0073.

Valencia Pointe Master Association

6395 Castle Gate Blvd
Boynton Beach, FL 33437

(561)-424-9400 Office
(561)-877-5660 Fax
Email: valenciapointe@castlegroup.com

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
9:30am - 4:30pm

Closed for Lunch (1:00p to 1:30p)

on Weekends & Holidays